Monday, November 23, 2009


my morning ritual:
1. anaïs wakes up, to which i try 100 ways to get her back to sleep.
2. she finally falls, just kidding, there she goes again.
3. diaper change - wake up daddy to watch her while i stumble blindly around room gathering necessities.
4. diaper changed after five minutes of quelling the unruly little angel, hehe.
5. she sits, talks, slaps mommy, climbs mommy, plays with window curtain, tries to take iphone from daddy, slaps mommy again. mommy gets in about five minutes of sleep through this all.
6.  mommy is finally up - she wants up too.
7. grabs baby, grab very heavy baby, he-he, warble to closet, pick out clothes, put baby in crib. dress.
8. shoes.
9. five minutes later....
10. finally got shoes on. mommy gets dressed, anaïs gets impatient, starts complaining.
11. mommy complains to daddy, jumping about in her jeans, trying to get dressed, she gives up looking good, throws on sweats, and ambles downstairs, haha.

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