Saturday, February 20, 2010


wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? let's play ketchup!

what's been going on:

-tyke's walking...almost running, hehe
-lots of nom-noms <3 -her big girl car seat is loved very much! she loves going for rides now!
-a lot of fun with the hubby :3

i'm not in a writish sort of mood right now. i'll elaborate later!

1 comment:

Mom x2 said...

Yay baby girl is almost running! My girls are at the same stage. It sure is fun!

To answer your question about schooling we're still doing sign language and lots of reading. Lately we've learned the sounds animals make (hysterical!) and also all of our body parts. They've been really into stacking so we do that and I've been counting a lot with them. I love your idea of colors and shapes. I think they could get into that. I'm always impressed with what they learn when it seems like they're not even paying any attention!
Hope you are well Momma. We need to see some pictures up here!