Monday, July 12, 2010


i find it funny that sprout [the kid's channel] is doing a segment on mr. mailman going to spain because they won, haha.

i'd like to say that i am ecstatic that my little one is finally eating three square meals a day, and not just that, she also has her snacks and gets excited about them too! right now she is munching down on some broccoli, which she calls "broc"- so damn cute! i find it funny that she likes all these green veggies. the other day she had brussels sprouts...and liked them! she likes asparagus, spinach, peas, oh, i can go on forever. if it is green, she will eat it.

we have been attending storytime at the library, which is, seriously about twenty steps from my house. she loves singing and dancing and watching puppet shows and interacting with other babies her age! we are attending the infant one now, because the toddler one isn't as age-appropriate as they make it seem.

yesterday she went to mimi's and swam in her blow-up pool for the first time. she had a splash!!!!

i can't believe she is turning eighteen months in a matter of days....incredible.

well, over and out!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

it's been too long

thanks for tuning in, dear reader. my little one has completely transformed from a cute little fuzzy, squirmy little caterpillar to a sprinting cheetah, haha.

she RUNS. quick, hide!


i cannot believe she is almost is just around the corner.

current thoughts:

~kindergarten is but a breath away...i have SOME time, but not all. i have begun homeschooling her with the primary blocks, colours, shapes, numbers, letters, a bit of word recognition.
~what about #2...when will it happen? i really don't know yet, honestly, i am having way too much fun to risk being dragged down by possible morning sickness. maybe in a year :3

so yes, i need to catch up better, but now i must have lunch :3 cheers!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? let's play ketchup!

what's been going on:

-tyke's walking...almost running, hehe
-lots of nom-noms <3 -her big girl car seat is loved very much! she loves going for rides now!
-a lot of fun with the hubby :3

i'm not in a writish sort of mood right now. i'll elaborate later!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


this weekend was HECTIC. between shopping for anaïs' birthday outfit and getting the preparations for today ready, i am EXHAUSTED.

the party was adorable though, and she really had a lot of fun. not to mention she looked so delicious and sweet in her strawberry outfit <3 ugh, i could just eat her up! i will definitely be posting pictures of this!

she got to be with all her cousins and aunts and uncle, and well, everyone!!!

sorry this post is so discordant. i am tired x_x

Sunday, January 10, 2010


i can now relate to what my mother must have felt that one day. i was nine months old, and she irreverently sat me on her lap in the front seat as my dad and she drove me "a short distance". i always asked myself what the hell they were thinking. luckily, well, obviously, i did not die when that car impacted my dad's old jalopy. my proof of the war i fought? a big, ole' shiner! the pictures are adorable, i guess you'd say, but the thought of what might have been is something i understand now.

today anaïs choked, right in my arms, and as i patiently tried to dislodge whatever was in her throat, she struggled. i think my heart might have stopped a few times because i lost feeling. my brother in law managed to get it out of her, and can you believe it was a dime? i died a few times today, but i feel more alive knowing that she is alright, asleep in her cot, tossing and turning as usual.

for this experience, i cannot forgive myself or the person who was with her. i cannot forgive myself because exactly a week before today something similar could have happened, and we took precautionary matters, almost to what non-parental individuals would call exaggerated.

now my paranoia has skyrocketed :(

Friday, January 08, 2010

#28 this a taste of separation anxiety?

weekend is here! hooray! god knows the week has been quite slow :3 missing the hubby terribly during the day [i dismiss the fact he's usually shooting zombies, hehe].

anaïs can say cat, that, this, papa, and boca [that's mouth in spanish], nana [grandma to her, hehe] ^_^ oh, of course, mama and dada.

molars coming in ;\ her appetite went down the drain, lol. slowly recouperating!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


i will never say this enough...i am so thankful to be a sahm :3 my hubby and the sacrafices he makes are incredible.

anaïs now plays peek-a-boo with us!!!!! aaaaand, guess who is gaining weight at an alarming weight. here is a hint, it's not me, lol [thankfully!] she is eating so well now! i am so very thankful for all of my blessings <3