Friday, January 08, 2010

#28 this a taste of separation anxiety?

weekend is here! hooray! god knows the week has been quite slow :3 missing the hubby terribly during the day [i dismiss the fact he's usually shooting zombies, hehe].

anaïs can say cat, that, this, papa, and boca [that's mouth in spanish], nana [grandma to her, hehe] ^_^ oh, of course, mama and dada.

molars coming in ;\ her appetite went down the drain, lol. slowly recouperating!

1 comment:

Mom x2 said...

Poor baby - molars already?! She's got quite the vocabulary already too. Get ready to listen to her chat your ear off soon :)

Sorry to read about your choking scare. How horrible. You were a good Momma to stay calm and handle the situation.